Smilefection is a showcase of the infectious nature of smiling. The user is presented with a slideshow of smiling faces. The moment the user is “infected” by one of the smiles appearing on the screen and smiles himself, a webcam snaps a photo and his smiling face becomes a part of the slideshow.
Simple data analysis can then show the expansion of the “Smiles Epidemic”, and rate our users by the contagiousness of their smile. In this way, face detection and computer vision analysis done by machine, stimulate emotional reactions by viewers. The atomization of vision in this respect creates a feedback loop with the “real world”, activated by our reaction to what we see.
Developed during 48 hours of the “Infected Hackathon” @ The Center for Design, Technology and Media, Jerusalem
On Sep 2013 Smilefection was presented at the IL(L) Machine – Ars Campus Israel exhibition, in Linz Austria.
On Oct 2013 Smilefection was presented at the MFRU-KIBLIX2013: WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE festival in Maribor, Slovenia
On Nov 2014 Smilefection was presented at the “Art, Science & Technology” exhibition in Kiev
With: Roi Ron, Lev Kagan and Yonatan Ben Ya’akov